Some colleges consider demonstrated interest in the application process; they want to know that you have researched and engaged with the school and are truly interested in attending.
Colleges that track demonstrated interest often consider the actions below to be indicators of interest:
Attending an in-person tour
Ideally official, where you share your contact info
Participating in a virtual tour
Preferably one that requires you to sign up with contact info
This is a great option for students who are unable to visit in person
Registering on the school's website to be on the school's contact list
Note that some schools track whether emails are opened/links are clicked
Attending a college fair and/or admission rep visit at your high school
Be sure to talk to the admission representative, express interest, and share your contact info
Meeting with alumni, current students, professors, or staff
This is a great way to learn about the campus climate, internship and research opportunities, the freshman experience, etc.
Reaching out to the admissions representative for your area via email
Introduce yourself, express interest, and ask any questions you have that can't be easily answered on the school's website
Note that at some schools, area admissions reps are also application reviewers
Scheduling an official admissions/alumni/student interview when available
Sometimes interviews can have an impact on admissions, but usually they are opportunities for potential students to learn more and demonstrate interest
Creating strong supplemental essays
Be specific about why you believe you are a good fit for the school academically and socially, and how you plan to contribute to the community
Consider engaging with your schools of interest in as many ways as you are able. This will help you "check the boxes" of demonstrating interest, but more importantly, it will help you learn more about each school and the ways in which each might be a good fit for you.
At Growing2College, we assist students and families with college planning, as well as college application and essay coaching. Request a free 20-min consultation to learn more about how we can be helpful.
Kate Pedigo, M.Ed. NCC is an Independent Educational Consultant and founder of Growing2College. Join us on social media for college planning updates, tips, and resources: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn
